Barcode Generation

To use Barcode Scanning, you must generate Barcode Cover Pages for the file you are going to import.

To generate Barcodes:

  1. Select tools on the Menu Bar
  2. Select Barcode Generation
  3. Select the kind of Barcode Cover Page you wish to generate
    • Ex. A Data Page
  4. Fill in the Document Indexing information
    • Ex. Employee Name
  5. Select Generate Barcode
  6. Barcode Cover Page will be printed for inclusion in your scanning packet

There are three distinct types of barcodes that you will need to generate for each employee barcode packet you scan in:

  1. Data Page Barcode: This is the barcode that references the unique employee whose documents you are scanning in. This is the onlybarcode that specifically references said employee, therein you must have distinct Data Page barcodes for every distinct employee file you scan into the system. 
    • Ignore the Descriptionfield on this section as that ties into the Document Type barcode page.
    • The Notes field is a tool allowing you to notate something about this employee. However, this field is not processedin DynaFile. You might use this field to reference on the printed-out barcode page, but nowhere else. 
  2. Document TypeBarcode: You will see that this is the section of Barcode Generation where you can print out all of your Document Type barcodes with optional Descriptions. 
    • These barcodes communicate to DynaFile how the documents within your employee’s packet should be classified via barcode recognition.
    • You will note that Document Type barcodes do not have an Employee field to fill in, meaning that these are generalized barcodes that can be used across many employee barcode packet scans. 
    • If you create more specific and granular Document Type barcode pages including an option Description, you can further index said employee’s file in the system.
    • See above regarding the Notes
  3. End Page Barcode: Just as the Document Type barcodes function, your End Page barcode is also generalized and can be used across all of your barcode packet scans.
    • This barcode tells DynaFile that the employee packet you’ve scanned in is complete.